How Long, O Lord? Inspired by Psalm 51
A Psalm by Phyllis Drackley of St. Christopher’s Church, Gladwyne
Create in us a clean heart, O God
And renew a right spirit within us.
Renew our minds in your Love, O Lord of Peace.
Every day shots ring out
Yet another tragedy hits our eyes and ears.
Tears mingle with blood like a river.
Another river runs alongside it
of payoff money and corruption,
Of all the “isms” inspiring hate.
Our children are murdered in their houses of learning.
They practice how and where to hide from danger.
Their teachers pray for courage to face the gunmen.
The faithful gather in houses of prayer
To kneel and offer their sacrifice to you, O Allah, Yahweh, Ineffable Light.
They fall with the breath of your Name on their lips.
The victims die before our eyes,
The wounded, in body and spirit tormented,
Life forever changed for them and us.
How long, O Lord, how long?
When will our blood lust be satisfied?
Will our lives be punctuated by this violence forever?
When will our false “thoughts and prayers,”
Our excuses for inaction be ended?
When will we have had enough?
Only You know our innermost thoughts.
Forgive us, inspire us and reshape our lives, O God.
Show us how to be channels of your Compassion and Love.
Bring an end to our fascination with evil.
Bring an end to our arrogance and false piety
That we may pervert your Way and your Will no more.
Open our eyes to a spirit of Peace
Incline our hearts to open mindedness
To see that spark of You In every human being.
Create in us a clean heart, O God.
And renew a right spirit within us.
Restore unto us the joy of Your salvation.
And uphold us with Your Holy Spirit.